Analytify Pro Goals Addon

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Updated on January 17, 2024
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The Analytify Pro Goals Addon is a powerful extension for the Analytify Pro plugin that enables you to set and track goals within your website’s analytics. With this addon, you can define specific actions or objectives you want your website visitors to complete, track their completion, and gain valuable insights into your goal conversions and overall website performance.

Create and Track Website Goals

The Goals Addon allows you to create custom goals based on specific actions or objectives you want your website visitors to achieve. Whether it’s making a purchase, filling out a form, subscribing to a newsletter, or reaching a specific page, you can define these actions as goals. Tracking these goals helps you understand how well your website is performing in terms of desired visitor actions.

Monitor Goal Conversions

With the Goals Addon, you can monitor goal conversions and gain insights into the effectiveness of your website in driving visitor actions. The addon tracks and reports the number of goal completions, providing you with valuable data on the conversion rates and the success of your marketing efforts. This information allows you to identify areas for improvement and optimize your website to increase goal conversions.

Flexible Goal Configuration

The Goals Addon offers flexibility in configuring your goals to match your specific requirements. You can set different types of goals, such as destination goals (e.g., reaching a specific page), duration goals (e.g., spending a certain amount of time on a page), or event goals (e.g., clicking on a button). Additionally, you can assign a monetary value to each goal to evaluate the impact on your business’s revenue.

Goal Funnel Visualization

The addon provides goal funnel visualization, enabling you to analyze the conversion process step-by-step. You can identify the entry point and track visitor progression through each stage of your defined goal funnel. This feature helps you pinpoint potential drop-off points, optimize the user journey, and improve the overall conversion rate.

Segmentation and Comparison

The Goals Addon allows you to segment and compare goal conversions based on various dimensions. You can analyze goal completions by different segments such as traffic sources, user demographics, or device types. This segmentation provides insights into the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, helps identify the most valuable traffic sources, and enables you to target specific audience segments for improved conversions.

Custom Alerts and Notifications

To keep you informed about goal performance, the Goals Addon provides custom alerts and notifications. You can set up alerts to receive notifications when a goal completes, conversion rates change significantly, or when certain thresholds are reached. These alerts ensure that you stay updated on goal achievements and can take immediate action if necessary.

Integration with Analytics Reports

The Goals Addon seamlessly integrates with the Analytics Reports of Analytify Pro. You can view goal-specific reports alongside other analytics metrics, providing a comprehensive view of your website’s performance. This integration enables you to analyze goal conversions in the context of overall user behavior, traffic sources, and other key performance indicators.


The Analytify Pro Goals Addon is a powerful extension that enhances the goal tracking capabilities of the Analytify Pro plugin. With the ability to create and track website goals, monitor goal conversions, flexible goal configuration, goal funnel visualization, segmentation and comparison, custom alerts and notifications, and seamless integration with Analytics Reports, this addon empowers you to set objectives, track their completion, and gain insights to optimize your website’s performance. Drive your website’s success by tracking and analyzing goals with the Analytify Pro Goals Addon.

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