BuddyPress Auto Friendship Pro

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Version 1.2.5 report outdated
Updated on September 3, 2024
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BuddyPress Auto Friendship Pro WordPress plugin allows site administrators to automatically create friendships between users on their BuddyPress-powered social network. This plugin is useful for site owners who want to create a more social environment on their site and increase user engagement.

Main Features

The BuddyPress Auto Friendship Pro plugin has several key features that make it a powerful tool for site administrators. These features include:

Automatic Friendships

The main feature of this plugin is the ability to automatically create friendships between users. Site administrators can specify the criteria for which users should be automatically added as friends. For example, they can set the plugin to automatically add users who have completed a certain action, such as registering for the site or completing a specific task.

Customizable Criteria

The criteria for automatically adding friends can be customized to fit the needs of the site. Site administrators can specify the user roles, user meta data, or other criteria that determine which users should be added as friends. This allows site owners to create a more targeted approach to building their social network.

Multiple Friendship Types

The BuddyPress Auto Friendship Pro plugin allows site administrators to create multiple friendship types. This means that users can have different levels of access to each other based on their friendship type. For example, site owners can create a friendship type for users who have completed a certain action, and then give those users access to exclusive content or features on the site.

Customizable Notifications

Site administrators can customize the notifications that are sent to users when they are added as friends. This allows site owners to create a more personalized experience for their users and keep them engaged with the site.

Compatibility with BuddyPress

The BuddyPress Auto Friendship Pro plugin is designed to work seamlessly with the BuddyPress social networking plugin for WordPress. This means that site owners can easily integrate the plugin into their existing BuddyPress-powered site without any compatibility issues.

Use Cases

The BuddyPress Auto Friendship Pro plugin is particularly useful for sites that want to create a more social environment for their users. Here are some examples of situations where this plugin would be beneficial:

Online Communities

The plugin is useful for online communities that want to encourage users to connect with each other. By automatically creating friendships between users, site owners can create a more welcoming environment and make it easier for users to engage with each other.

E-Learning Platforms

The plugin can be used on e-learning platforms to create a more collaborative environment for students. By automatically adding students as friends, site owners can encourage them to work together on projects and assignments.

Membership Sites

The plugin can be used on membership sites to create a more personalized experience for users. By automatically adding users as friends based on their membership level or other criteria, site owners can give them access to exclusive content or features.

Comparison with Similar Plugins

There are several other plugins available for WordPress that offer similar functionality to BuddyPress Auto Friendship Pro. Here are some of the key differences between these plugins:

BuddyPress Friendships Suggestions

BuddyPress Friendships Suggestions is a free plugin that allows users to suggest friends to each other on a BuddyPress-powered site. This plugin is useful for sites that want to encourage users to connect with each other, but do not want to automatically add friends. Unlike BuddyPress Auto Friendship Pro, this plugin does not offer the ability to customize the criteria for suggesting friends.

BuddyPress Friends Only Activity Stream

BuddyPress Friends Only Activity Stream is a plugin that allows site owners to restrict the activity stream on their BuddyPress-powered site to only show updates from friends. This plugin is useful for sites that want to create a more private environment for their users. Unlike BuddyPress Auto Friendship Pro, this plugin does not offer the ability to automatically add friends.

BuddyPress Follow

BuddyPress Follow is a plugin that allows users to follow each other on a BuddyPress-powered site. This plugin is useful for sites that want to create a more social environment, but do not want to create the same level of connection as a friendship. Unlike BuddyPress Auto Friendship Pro, this plugin does not offer the ability to create different friendship types.


The BuddyPress Auto Friendship Pro plugin is a powerful tool for site owners who want to create a more social environment on their BuddyPress-powered site. With its ability to automatically create friendships between users based on customizable criteria, this plugin can help site owners increase user engagement and create a more personalized experience for their users. While there are other plugins available that offer similar functionality, BuddyPress Auto Friendship Pro stands out for its customizable criteria and ability to create different friendship types.