FacetWP – Flyout menu

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Updated on June 22, 2024
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The FacetWP – Flyout Menu addon introduces a convenient and responsive filtering experience to your WordPress website. Unlike traditional page-based search result updates, this addon presents facets (your filters) within a dynamic flyout or slide-in menu. This approach optimizes site speed and promotes enhanced user experience, particularly well-suited for mobile device interactions.

Primary Functions

The FacetWP – Flyout Menu addon focuses on providing a seamless flyout menu filtering workflow:

  • Flyout Menu Trigger: It adds a customizable “Filter” or similar button to your website. Clicking this button reveals the flyout menu panel holding your FacetWP facets.
  • Facet Display within Menu: Your existing FacetWP facets (checkboxes, dropdowns, etc.) are organized and displayed neatly within this flyout menu.
  • Dynamic Filtering: As users interact with the facets within the menu, the main content area of your website updates instantly and asynchronously, displaying only the results that match the chosen filter criteria.
  • Menu Closure: Once filtering is complete, the flyout menu can be closed, returning the user to the primary content view.


Let’s unpack the main features that make the FacetWP – Flyout Menu addon valuable:

  • Mobile Optimization: The primary appeal of a flyout menu is its enhanced user experience on mobile devices. It creates a space-efficient and user-friendly way to present filter options without requiring full page redirects.
  • Customization: You generally have control over aspects such as the button’s label, the flyout menu’s placement (e.g., slide in from the right or left), and basic styling elements.
  • Ajax Based Updates: Ensures filtering operations are snappy and dynamic. Filtering happens without full page reloads, leading to a smoother user experience.
  • Facet Display Flexibility: The flyout menu offers a clear and structured way to organize all your FacetWP filter options.
  • Seamless FacetWP Integration: As an addon, it works effortlessly with your existing FacetWP system – just a matter of installation and enabling it.

Practical Use Cases

Here are some of the most common applications of the FacetWP – Flyout Menu addon:

  • eCommerce Websites: Enable visitors to effortlessly filter products on smaller screens (phones and tablets) with a mobile-friendly filtering menu.
  • Content-Heavy Sites: Websites with lots of blog posts, articles, or any content archive benefit from a filter optimization in terms of page loading speed and a cleaner user interface.
  • Recipe Websites: Allow users to explore food recipes on mobile devices using an easily accessible flyout to discover dishes based on ingredients, cuisine, or dietary restrictions.
  • Real Estate Listings: Make searching for properties within the limited screen space of mobile devices intuitive by providing filtering options in a space-saving flyout menu.
  • Complex Filtering Systems: If you have several facets and filters you need to display at once, the flyout menu provides a dedicated space without cluttering your main content layout.


The FacetWP – Flyout Menu addon is an excellent choice for optimizing the filtering experience on your WordPress website. If you prioritize user-friendliness and mobile responsiveness in your search and filtering process, then this addon is worth investigating. It streamlines and improves the visitor experience while retaining the full power of your FacetWP filtering system.