Knowledge Base | Helpdesk | Wiki | FAQ WordPress Theme

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Version 4.3.2 report outdated
Updated on October 8, 2023
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License GPLv2+

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The Knowledge Base | Helpdesk | Wiki | FAQ WordPress Theme, also known as KnowledgePress, is a powerful and versatile theme designed to help you create a comprehensive self-service knowledge base. With this theme, you can easily build a resource of helpful articles and provide answers to popular customer questions. It is a perfect solution for customer support centers, extensive FAQs, product or service documentations, internal company documentations, wikis, and more.

Design Ethos

The primary design ethos of the Knowledge Base | Helpdesk | Wiki | FAQ WordPress Theme is to decrease support emails and increase customer happiness by providing a user-friendly and intuitive self-service knowledge base. The theme focuses on simplicity, ease of use, and visual appeal to ensure that users can easily find the information they need and have a positive experience while interacting with the knowledge base.


  • Drag & Drop Knowledge Base Article and Category Reorder: Easily reorder your knowledge base articles and categories using a simple drag and drop interface.
  • Visual Composer Drag and Drop Page Builder: The theme includes the popular Visual Composer plugin, allowing you to create custom page layouts easily.
  • Breadcrumbs: Display breadcrumbs to help users navigate through the knowledge base categories and find relevant articles.
  • FAQ Plugin: Add accordion-style FAQs to your site with the ability to create multiple FAQ pages. The theme comes bundled with a FAQ plugin worth $16.
  • Live Search: Enable a live search feature that displays search results as users type, helping them find information quickly.
  • Voting: Allow users to vote on articles, either publicly or for members only, to gauge their helpfulness and improve customer engagement.
  • Customization Options: Customize the theme to match your brand with features like logo and favicon upload, unlimited theme colors, and the ability to add custom CSS and JS.
  • Layout Options: Choose between fixed maximum site width or fluid site width, display one, two, or no sidebars, and set sidebar widths. Different layouts can be set for each post type.
  • Archive Page: Customize the display of articles on archive pages with options like post format icons, excerpt length, social sharing buttons, and more.
  • Single Page: Customize the layout and content of individual articles with features like automatic table of contents, related articles, social sharing buttons, author bio info, and featured images.
  • Widgets: The theme includes several useful widgets, including live search, recent articles, popular articles by views, votes, and comments.
  • Google Fonts: Choose from hundreds of Google fonts to customize the navigator, header, and body font of your knowledge base.
  • Responsive Design: The theme is fully responsive and optimized for small screen devices, ensuring a seamless experience for users on smartphones and tablets.
  • Documented and Translation Ready: The theme comes with step-by-step documentation for easy installation and setup. It is also translation ready, allowing you to translate it into different languages using the Poedit tool.
  • Regular Product Updates: The Knowledge Base | Helpdesk | Wiki | FAQ WordPress Theme is regularly updated to stay compatible with the latest versions of WordPress and to provide ongoing improvements and bug fixes.

Use Cases

The Knowledge Base | Helpdesk | Wiki | FAQ WordPress Theme is suitable for various scenarios and use cases:

  • Customer Support Centers: Create a comprehensive self-service knowledge base to reduce support emails and provide quick solutions to common customer queries.
  • Extensive FAQs: Build an extensive collection of frequently asked questions to address customer concerns and provide detailed answers.
  • Product or Service Documentations: Use the theme to create detailed documentation for your products or services, helping customers understand their features and functionalities.
  • Internal Company Documentations: Develop an internal knowledge base to document processes, procedures, and best practices for your employees.
  • Wikis: Build a collaborative platform where users can contribute and share knowledge on specific topics or industries.

The Knowledge Base | Helpdesk | Wiki | FAQ WordPress Theme provides a comprehensive set of features and customization options to create a user-friendly and visually appealing knowledge base. Whether you need to provide support to customers, document your products or services, or foster collaboration within your organization, this theme offers the tools and flexibility to meet your requirements.