myCred Progress Map

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Version 1.0.3 report outdated
Updated on May 30, 2024
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License GPLv2+

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myCred Progress Map WordPress plugin allows website owners to create interactive and engaging progress maps for their users. This plugin is designed to gamify user engagement by providing a visual representation of a user’s progress on their website. With myCred Progress Map, website owners can create custom maps that track user progress towards specific goals, such as completing courses, earning points, or achieving specific milestones. This plugin is ideal for websites that want to increase user engagement and keep users coming back for more.

Primary Function of myCred Progress Map

The primary function of myCred Progress Map is to provide an engaging and interactive way for website owners to track user progress. With this plugin, website owners can create custom maps that track user progress towards specific goals. These goals can be anything from completing courses, earning points, or achieving specific milestones. The plugin provides a visual representation of a user’s progress, which can be a powerful motivator for users to continue engaging with a website.

Features of myCred Progress Map

Customizable Maps

One of the key features of myCred Progress Map is the ability to create custom maps. Website owners can create maps that track user progress towards specific goals, such as completing courses, earning points, or achieving specific milestones. The maps can be customized with different colors, icons, and images, making them visually appealing and engaging for users.

Interactive Elements

myCred Progress Map also includes interactive elements that allow users to interact with the map. For example, users can click on different areas of the map to see their progress towards specific goals. This interactivity makes the map more engaging and encourages users to continue engaging with a website.

Integration with myCred

myCred Progress Map is designed to work seamlessly with myCred, a popular WordPress plugin for managing user points, rewards, and badges. This integration allows website owners to track user progress and award points and rewards based on specific milestones or achievements. This can be a powerful motivator for users to continue engaging with a website and working towards specific goals.

Responsive Design

myCred Progress Map is designed with a responsive design, which means that it looks great on all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. This ensures that users can access the map and track their progress from any device, which can increase user engagement and retention.

Use Cases for myCred Progress Map

Online Courses

myCred Progress Map is an ideal plugin for websites that offer online courses. Website owners can create custom maps that track user progress through the course, showing users which lessons they have completed and which ones they still need to complete. This can be a powerful motivator for users to continue engaging with the course and completing all of the lessons.

Membership Sites

Membership sites can also benefit from myCred Progress Map. Website owners can create custom maps that track user progress towards specific membership levels or rewards. This can be a powerful motivator for users to continue engaging with the site and working towards achieving specific milestones.


myCred Progress Map can be used to gamify user engagement on websites. Website owners can create custom maps that track user progress towards specific goals, such as earning points or completing challenges. This can be a powerful motivator for users to continue engaging with a website and working towards achieving specific goals.


myCred Progress Map is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows website owners to create custom progress maps for their users. With this plugin, website owners can track user progress towards specific goals, such as completing courses, earning points, or achieving specific milestones. The plugin includes interactive elements and a responsive design, making it engaging and accessible for users on all devices. Use cases for myCred Progress Map include online courses, membership sites, and gamification. Overall, myCred Progress Map is an excellent plugin for website owners who want to increase user engagement and keep users coming back for more.