Paid Memberships Pro Extra Expiration Warning

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Updated on December 22, 2023
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Paid Memberships Pro Extra Expiration Warning WordPress plugin is designed to help website owners who use the Paid Memberships Pro plugin to manage their memberships. The plugin provides an extra layer of functionality by sending expiration warnings to members before their membership is due to expire. This can help to reduce churn and increase retention rates by reminding members to renew their membership before it expires.

Primary Function

The primary function of the Paid Memberships Pro Extra Expiration Warning plugin is to send expiration warnings to members before their membership is due to expire. The plugin works by adding an extra field to the Paid Memberships Pro plugin that allows website owners to set the number of days before expiration that a warning should be sent. Once this field is set, the plugin will automatically send an email to the member when their membership is due to expire, reminding them to renew their membership.

Features of Paid Memberships Pro Extra Expiration Warning

The Paid Memberships Pro Extra Expiration Warning plugin comes with a range of features that make it a valuable tool for website owners who use the Paid Memberships Pro plugin. Some of the key features of the plugin include:

Customizable Expiration Warning Emails

The plugin allows website owners to customize the expiration warning emails that are sent to members. This means that website owners can tailor the emails to match their brand and messaging, which can help to increase the effectiveness of the emails.

Multiple Warning Emails

The plugin allows website owners to set up multiple warning emails to be sent to members before their membership expires. This means that website owners can choose to send a series of emails leading up to the expiration date, which can help to increase the chances of members renewing their membership.

Automatic Expiration Date Updates

The plugin automatically updates the expiration date of a member’s membership when they renew. This means that website owners don’t need to manually update the expiration date, which can save time and reduce the risk of errors.

Integration with Paid Memberships Pro

The plugin is fully integrated with the Paid Memberships Pro plugin, which means that website owners can easily manage their memberships and expiration warnings from within the Paid Memberships Pro dashboard.

Use Cases for Paid Memberships Pro Extra Expiration Warning

The Paid Memberships Pro Extra Expiration Warning plugin is particularly useful for website owners who use the Paid Memberships Pro plugin to manage their memberships. Some examples of situations where the plugin would be particularly useful include:

Membership Sites

The plugin is ideal for membership sites that offer paid memberships. By sending expiration warnings to members before their membership expires, website owners can increase retention rates and reduce churn.

Subscription Services

The plugin is also useful for subscription services that offer recurring payments. By sending expiration warnings to members before their subscription is due to renew, website owners can increase the chances of members renewing their subscription.

Online Courses

The plugin can also be used by website owners who offer online courses. By sending expiration warnings to students before their course access expires, website owners can increase the chances of students renewing their access to the course.


The Paid Memberships Pro Extra Expiration Warning plugin is a valuable tool for website owners who use the Paid Memberships Pro plugin to manage their memberships. The plugin provides an extra layer of functionality by sending expiration warnings to members before their membership is due to expire. With customizable emails, multiple warning emails, automatic expiration date updates, and integration with Paid Memberships Pro, the plugin is a powerful tool for increasing retention rates and reducing churn.