Popup Builder AdBlock

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Updated on May 15, 2022
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Popup Builder – AdBlock WordPress plugin allows website owners to create and customize popups for their website. The plugin is designed to help website owners increase their conversion rates by creating popups that are engaging and relevant to their audience. Popup Builder – AdBlock is particularly useful for website owners who want to create popups that are not blocked by adblockers.

Primary Function

The primary function of Popup Builder – AdBlock is to help website owners create and customize popups that are not blocked by adblockers. The plugin is designed to be easy to use and can be used by website owners of all skill levels. With Popup Builder – AdBlock, website owners can create popups that are engaging and relevant to their audience, which can help increase conversion rates and revenue.


Popup Builder – AdBlock comes with a range of features that make it easy for website owners to create and customize popups. Some of the key features of the plugin include:

Customizable Templates

Popup Builder – AdBlock comes with a range of customizable templates that website owners can use as a starting point for their popups. The templates are designed to be easy to use and can be customized to match the branding of the website.

Drag and Drop Builder

The plugin comes with a drag and drop builder that makes it easy for website owners to create and customize their popups. The builder is intuitive and easy to use, and website owners can add a range of elements to their popups, including images, text, and buttons.

Targeting Options

Popup Builder – AdBlock comes with a range of targeting options that allow website owners to show their popups to specific audiences. Website owners can target their popups based on a range of factors, including the user’s location, the pages they have visited, and their behavior on the website.


The plugin comes with built-in analytics that allow website owners to track the performance of their popups. Website owners can see how many times their popups have been shown, how many conversions they have generated, and other key metrics.

Use Cases

Popup Builder – AdBlock is particularly useful for website owners who want to create popups that are not blocked by adblockers. Some examples of situations where the plugin would be particularly useful include:

Lead Generation

Popup Builder – AdBlock can be used to create popups that are designed to generate leads. Website owners can create popups that offer a free resource, such as an ebook or whitepaper, in exchange for the user’s email address.

Promotions and Special Offers

The plugin can be used to create popups that promote special offers or discounts. Website owners can create popups that offer a discount code or special offer to users who sign up for their email list.

Exit Intent Popups

Popup Builder – AdBlock can be used to create exit intent popups, which are popups that are triggered when the user is about to leave the website. These popups can be used to offer a last-minute promotion or to encourage the user to sign up for the website’s email list.


Popup Builder – AdBlock is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows website owners to create and customize popups that are not blocked by adblockers. The plugin comes with a range of customizable templates, a drag and drop builder, targeting options, and built-in analytics. Popup Builder – AdBlock is particularly useful for website owners who want to increase their conversion rates by creating engaging and relevant popups.