Pimwick – WooCommerce Gift Cards Pro

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Pimwick – WooCommerce Gift Cards Pro is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows online store owners to sell gift cards on their WooCommerce store. The plugin is designed to help WooCommerce store owners increase their sales and revenue by offering gift cards to their customers. With Pimwick – WooCommerce Gift Cards Pro, store owners can create and sell gift cards that can be used to purchase products on their store.

Primary Function

The primary function of Pimwick – WooCommerce Gift Cards Pro is to allow online store owners to sell gift cards on their WooCommerce store. The plugin provides a simple and easy-to-use interface that allows store owners to create and manage gift cards. Store owners can create gift cards with custom designs and values, and set expiration dates and usage restrictions.


Pimwick – WooCommerce Gift Cards Pro comes with a range of features that make it a powerful tool for online store owners. Some of the key features of the plugin include:

Custom Designs

With Pimwick – WooCommerce Gift Cards Pro, store owners can create gift cards with custom designs. The plugin comes with a range of pre-designed templates that can be customized to match the store’s branding. Store owners can also upload their own designs and logos to create unique gift cards.

Flexible Pricing

The plugin allows store owners to set the price of their gift cards. Store owners can choose to sell gift cards at a fixed price or allow customers to set their own price. This feature provides store owners with flexibility and allows them to cater to different customer needs.

Usage Restrictions

Pimwick – WooCommerce Gift Cards Pro allows store owners to set usage restrictions on their gift cards. Store owners can set a minimum and maximum value for their gift cards, and limit the number of times a gift card can be used. This feature helps store owners manage their gift card inventory and prevent fraud.

Expiration Dates

The plugin allows store owners to set expiration dates for their gift cards. Store owners can choose to set a fixed expiration date or allow customers to choose their own expiration date. This feature helps store owners manage their gift card inventory and ensures that gift cards are used within a certain period.

Email Notifications

Pimwick – WooCommerce Gift Cards Pro comes with a range of email notifications that can be sent to customers. Store owners can send gift card notifications to customers when they purchase a gift card, and reminder notifications when a gift card is about to expire. This feature helps store owners keep their customers informed and engaged.

Use Cases

Pimwick – WooCommerce Gift Cards Pro is particularly useful for online store owners who want to increase their sales and revenue. The plugin can be used in a range of situations, including:

Holiday Sales

During the holiday season, many customers are looking for gift ideas. By offering gift cards, store owners can provide customers with a convenient gift option and increase their sales.

Loyalty Programs

Pimwick – WooCommerce Gift Cards Pro can be used as part of a loyalty program. Store owners can offer gift cards as rewards for customer loyalty, which can help increase customer retention and repeat sales.

Referral Programs

The plugin can also be used as part of a referral program. Store owners can offer gift cards to customers who refer their friends and family to the store. This can help increase customer acquisition and sales.


In conclusion, Pimwick – WooCommerce Gift Cards Pro is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows online store owners to sell gift cards on their WooCommerce store. The plugin comes with a range of features that make it a powerful tool for online store owners, including custom designs, flexible pricing, usage restrictions, expiration dates, and email notifications. The plugin is particularly useful for online store owners who want to increase their sales and revenue by offering gift cards to their customers.