Ultimate Member Groups

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Version 2.4.6 report outdated
Updated on October 7, 2024
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License GPLv2+

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Ultimate Member Groups WordPress plugin helps website owners create and manage groups of users on their website. With this plugin, website owners can create groups, assign users to groups, and set permissions for each group. This plugin is particularly useful for websites that have a large number of users and need to manage them efficiently.

Primary Function

The primary function of Ultimate Member Groups is to help website owners create and manage groups of users on their website. This plugin allows website owners to create unlimited groups and assign users to these groups. It also allows website owners to set permissions for each group, such as who can view, edit, and delete content.


Group Creation

Ultimate Member Groups allows website owners to create unlimited groups. Website owners can create groups based on the type of user or the content they have access to. For example, a website owner can create a group for registered users, a group for premium users, and a group for administrators.

User Assignment

Once website owners have created groups, they can assign users to these groups. Website owners can assign users to groups manually or automatically based on the user’s profile information. For example, a website owner can automatically assign users who have paid for a premium membership to the premium users group.

Group Permissions

Ultimate Member Groups allows website owners to set permissions for each group. Website owners can set permissions for who can view, edit, and delete content. For example, a website owner can set permissions for the premium users group to view premium content and the administrator group to edit and delete content.

Group Management

Website owners can manage groups easily with Ultimate Member Groups. They can edit group information, such as the group name and description, and delete groups if necessary. Website owners can also view a list of users in each group and manage user assignments.


Ultimate Member Groups provides shortcodes that website owners can use to display group information on their website. Website owners can use shortcodes to display a list of groups, a list of users in a group, and group information on user profiles.


Ultimate Member Groups integrates seamlessly with other Ultimate Member plugins, such as Ultimate Member WooCommerce and Ultimate Member Events Calendar. This integration allows website owners to create groups based on user purchases or event attendance.

Use Cases

Membership Websites

Ultimate Member Groups is particularly useful for membership websites that have a large number of users. Website owners can create groups based on the type of membership, assign users to these groups, and set permissions for each group. For example, a membership website can create a group for free users, a group for premium users, and a group for administrators. The website owner can then set permissions for each group, such as who can view premium content and who can edit and delete content.

E-commerce Websites

Ultimate Member Groups can also be useful for e-commerce websites that have a large number of users. Website owners can create groups based on user purchases and assign users to these groups automatically. For example, an e-commerce website can create a group for users who have purchased a particular product and display exclusive content to these users.

Community Websites

Ultimate Member Groups can also be useful for community websites that have a large number of users. Website owners can create groups based on user interests or activities and assign users to these groups. For example, a community website can create a group for users who are interested in photography and display photography-related content to these users.


Ultimate Member Groups is a powerful WordPress plugin that helps website owners create and manage groups of users on their website. With this plugin, website owners can create unlimited groups, assign users to groups, and set permissions for each group. This plugin is particularly useful for membership websites, e-commerce websites, and community websites that have a large number of users. Ultimate Member Groups is easy to use and integrates seamlessly with other Ultimate Member plugins, making it a valuable tool for website owners who want to manage their users efficiently.

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