WISDM Reports for LearnDash PRO

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Version 1.8.0 report outdated
Updated on October 7, 2023
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License GPLv2+

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WISDM Reports for LearnDash PRO is a powerful WordPress plugin designed to enhance the reporting capabilities of the popular LearnDash learning management system. With this plugin, administrators and instructors can generate comprehensive reports and gain valuable insights into the performance and progress of their online courses. Whether you are running an e-learning platform, a corporate training program, or a membership site, WISDM Reports for LearnDash PRO can be an invaluable tool for tracking learner engagement, identifying areas of improvement, and making data-driven decisions.

Primary Function

The primary function of WISDM Reports for LearnDash PRO is to provide advanced reporting and analytics features for LearnDash-powered websites. It seamlessly integrates with LearnDash, extending its reporting capabilities beyond the default options provided by the LMS. The plugin offers a user-friendly interface that allows administrators and instructors to generate detailed reports on various aspects of their courses, learners, and assessments.


WISDM Reports for LearnDash PRO boasts a wide range of features that empower users to gather, analyze, and visualize data related to their LearnDash courses. Some of its key features include:

1. Course Progress Reports

This plugin enables administrators and instructors to track the progress of individual learners or groups of learners within a course. It provides detailed insights into completion rates, average time spent on each lesson, and overall course progress. This information can help identify learners who may be struggling or falling behind, allowing for targeted interventions to improve their learning experience.

2. Quiz and Assessment Reports

With WISDM Reports for LearnDash PRO, you can easily generate reports on quiz and assessment performance. The plugin provides a comprehensive overview of learner scores, question-wise analysis, average scores, and time taken to complete quizzes. This data can be used to identify knowledge gaps, evaluate the effectiveness of assessments, and fine-tune course content accordingly.

3. User Activity Reports

The plugin allows administrators to track user activity within the LearnDash environment. It provides insights into login history, course access logs, and user engagement metrics. This information is particularly useful for monitoring learner engagement and identifying patterns of usage that can inform course design and delivery strategies.

4. Course Completion Certificates

WISDM Reports for LearnDash PRO offers the ability to automatically generate course completion certificates for learners who successfully finish a course. Administrators can customize the design and content of these certificates, adding a personalized touch to the learning experience and boosting learner motivation.

5. Customizable Reports

The plugin provides a flexible reporting system that allows users to customize reports according to their specific needs. Users can choose the data fields to include, apply filters, and export reports in various formats (e.g., PDF, CSV). This level of customization ensures that users can extract the most relevant insights from their data.

Situations and Use Cases

WISDM Reports for LearnDash PRO can be particularly useful in a variety of situations and use cases. Here are a few examples:

1. E-learning Platforms

For administrators of e-learning platforms, having access to detailed reports is crucial for monitoring the performance of courses and learners. The plugin enables platform owners to identify popular courses, measure learner engagement, and make data-driven decisions to improve the overall learning experience.

2. Corporate Training Programs

In the context of corporate training, WISDM Reports for LearnDash PRO can help track employee progress, evaluate the effectiveness of training modules, and generate reports that demonstrate the ROI of training initiatives. This information can be used to identify skill gaps, optimize training content, and align training programs with organizational goals.

3. Membership Sites

Membership sites that offer online courses can benefit from the plugin by providing their members with detailed reports on their progress and achievements. This can enhance member satisfaction, increase engagement, and encourage continued subscription to the site.

4. Educational Institutions

Educational institutions, such as universities or schools, can leverage the reporting capabilities of the plugin to monitor student performance, identify struggling students, and provide targeted support. The data provided by the plugin can also be used to generate comprehensive reports for accreditation purposes.

In conclusion, WISDM Reports for LearnDash PRO is a feature-rich WordPress plugin that significantly enhances the reporting capabilities of the LearnDash learning management system. With its comprehensive reporting features, customizable reports, and ability to track learner progress, this plugin is a valuable tool for administrators and instructors who want to gain deeper insights into their courses, learners, and assessments. Whether you are running an e-learning platform, a corporate training program, or a membership site, WISDM Reports for LearnDash PRO can help you make data-driven decisions and improve the overall learning experience.