WooCommerce Custom Fields

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Updated on January 2, 2023
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WooCommerce Custom Fields WordPress plugin provides an easy and efficient way to add custom fields to products in your WooCommerce store. The plugin allows you to create and manage custom fields, which can be used to collect additional information from customers during the checkout process. With WooCommerce Custom Fields, you can customize your store to meet the specific needs of your business and improve the overall shopping experience for your customers.


WooCommerce Custom Fields is a powerful plugin that comes with a range of features to help you create and manage custom fields for your products. Some of the key features of the plugin include:

Custom Field Types

WooCommerce Custom Fields supports a range of custom field types, including text fields, select boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, and date pickers. This allows you to collect a range of different types of information from your customers, such as product preferences, shipping information, and more.

Conditional Logic

The plugin also supports conditional logic, which means you can show or hide custom fields based on specific conditions. For example, you could show a custom field for product personalization only if the customer has selected a specific product option.

Global and Product-Specific Fields

WooCommerce Custom Fields allows you to create both global and product-specific custom fields. Global fields can be applied to all products in your store, while product-specific fields can be applied to individual products. This gives you the flexibility to create custom fields that are relevant to your entire store or specific products.

Custom Field Validation

The plugin also supports custom field validation, which means you can ensure that customers enter valid information into custom fields. For example, you could require customers to enter a valid email address or phone number in a custom field.

Custom Field Display

WooCommerce Custom Fields allows you to choose how custom fields are displayed on your product pages. You can choose to display custom fields in a separate tab, below the product description, or in a custom location using shortcodes.

Use Cases

WooCommerce Custom Fields is a versatile plugin that can be used in a range of different situations. Some of the most common use cases for the plugin include:

Product Personalization

If you sell products that can be personalized, such as clothing or gifts, WooCommerce Custom Fields can be used to collect the necessary information from customers. For example, you could create a custom field for customers to enter their name or a custom message to be added to a product.

Shipping Information

If you offer shipping options beyond the standard shipping provided by WooCommerce, you can use WooCommerce Custom Fields to collect additional shipping information from customers. For example, you could create a custom field for customers to enter their preferred shipping carrier or shipping method.

Product Options

If you sell products with multiple options, such as size or color, WooCommerce Custom Fields can be used to collect this information from customers. This can help you better understand customer preferences and tailor your product offerings accordingly.

Comparison with Similar Plugins

While there are several plugins available for adding custom fields to WooCommerce, WooCommerce Custom Fields stands out for its range of features and ease of use. Here are a few of the key differences between WooCommerce Custom Fields and other similar plugins:

Advanced Custom Fields for WooCommerce

Advanced Custom Fields for WooCommerce is another popular plugin for adding custom fields to WooCommerce. While both plugins offer similar features, WooCommerce Custom Fields is generally considered to be easier to use and more user-friendly. Additionally, WooCommerce Custom Fields offers more advanced features, such as conditional logic and custom field validation.

Custom Product Fields for WooCommerce

Custom Product Fields for WooCommerce is another plugin that allows you to add custom fields to your products. However, this plugin is more limited in terms of its features and customization options. For example, it does not offer conditional logic or custom field validation.

WooCommerce Checkout Manager

WooCommerce Checkout Manager is a plugin that allows you to customize the checkout fields in your WooCommerce store. While this plugin can be used to add custom fields, it is primarily designed for managing the default checkout fields provided by WooCommerce. Additionally, WooCommerce Custom Fields offers more advanced features, such as conditional logic and custom field validation.


Overall, WooCommerce Custom Fields is a powerful and user-friendly plugin for adding custom fields to your WooCommerce store. With its range of features and customization options, the plugin can be used to collect a variety of information from customers and improve the overall shopping experience. Whether you sell personalized products, offer unique shipping options, or simply want to better understand customer preferences, WooCommerce Custom Fields is a must-have plugin for any WooCommerce store owner.