Blackhole Pro

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Version 3.5 report outdated
Updated on July 19, 2024
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License GPLv2+

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Blackhole Pro WordPress plugin helps website owners to protect their websites from spam. It is a powerful and easy-to-use plugin that can help to prevent spam comments, registrations, and other unwanted content from getting into your website. The plugin is developed by Jeff Starr, who has been developing WordPress plugins for over 10 years.

Primary Function

The primary function of Blackhole Pro is to protect your website from spam. The plugin works by creating a trap that catches spammers and prevents them from being able to post comments, register, or access your website. The trap is created by adding a hidden link to your website, which is only visible to spammers. When a spammer clicks on the link, they are redirected to a blackhole, which is a place where their requests are ignored and their IP address is blocked.

Features of Blackhole Pro

Blackhole Pro comes with a variety of features that make it an effective tool for protecting your website from spam. Some of the key features of the plugin include:

Customizable Trap

One of the key features of Blackhole Pro is the ability to customize the trap that is used to catch spammers. You can choose the text and the location of the link, as well as the message that is displayed to spammers when they click on the link. This allows you to create a trap that is specific to your website and that is more likely to catch spammers.

IP Address Blocking

Blackhole Pro also comes with an IP address blocking feature, which allows you to block specific IP addresses or ranges of IP addresses from accessing your website. This can be useful if you are receiving a lot of spam from a particular IP address or if you want to block access to your website from a particular country or region.

Spam Log

The plugin also comes with a spam log feature, which allows you to see a list of all the spam that has been caught by the plugin. The log includes information such as the IP address of the spammer, the date and time of the spam, and the type of spam (comment, registration, etc.). This can be useful for tracking the effectiveness of the plugin and for identifying any patterns in the spam that is being received.

Advanced Settings

Blackhole Pro also comes with a variety of advanced settings that allow you to customize the plugin even further. For example, you can choose to block specific user agents or referers, or you can choose to allow certain IP addresses to bypass the trap. These settings give you a high level of control over how the plugin works and can help you to fine-tune it for your specific needs.

Use Cases for Blackhole Pro

Blackhole Pro can be useful for any website owner who is receiving a lot of spam comments, registrations, or other unwanted content. Some specific use cases for the plugin include:


Bloggers who are receiving a lot of spam comments on their blog posts can use Blackhole Pro to prevent the spam from being posted. This can help to keep the comments section of their blog clean and free from spam.

E-commerce Websites

E-commerce websites that are receiving a lot of spam registrations can use Blackhole Pro to prevent the spam registrations from cluttering up their customer database. This can help to keep the customer database clean and make it easier to manage.

Membership Websites

Membership websites that are receiving a lot of spam registrations can use Blackhole Pro to prevent the spam registrations from cluttering up their membership database. This can help to keep the membership database clean and make it easier to manage.


Forums that are receiving a lot of spam posts can use Blackhole Pro to prevent the spam from being posted. This can help to keep the forum clean and free from spam.


Overall, Blackhole Pro is a powerful and effective WordPress plugin that can help to protect your website from spam. The plugin is easy to use and comes with a variety of features that make it a great tool for any website owner who is dealing with spam. Whether you are a blogger, an e-commerce website owner, a membership website owner, or a forum owner, Blackhole Pro can help you to keep your website clean and free from spam.

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