MainWP Comments Extension

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Updated on February 29, 2024
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License GPLv2+

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The MainWP Comments Extension is a powerful WordPress plugin designed to enhance your website’s comment management capabilities. It is an extension for the MainWP plugin, which is a popular solution for managing multiple WordPress sites from a single dashboard.

Primary Function

The primary function of the MainWP Comments Extension is to streamline the management of comments across multiple WordPress sites. It allows you to view, moderate, and reply to comments from all your connected websites within the MainWP dashboard, saving you time and effort.


1. Centralized Comment Management

With the MainWP Comments Extension, you can manage comments from all your connected WordPress sites in one centralized location. This eliminates the need to log in to each individual site to moderate comments, making the process more efficient and convenient.

2. Bulk Comment Moderation

Moderating comments can be a time-consuming task, especially if you have multiple websites with a high volume of comments. This extension allows you to moderate comments in bulk, saving you valuable time. You can approve, disapprove, mark as spam, or delete multiple comments with just a few clicks.

3. Comment Notifications

The plugin provides real-time comment notifications, ensuring that you are promptly alerted whenever a new comment is posted on any of your connected websites. This feature allows you to stay on top of your comment moderation duties and engage with your audience in a timely manner.

4. Comment Filtering and Sorting

The MainWP Comments Extension offers advanced filtering and sorting options, making it easier to navigate and manage your comments. You can filter comments based on their status (approved, pending, spam), author, content, or date. Additionally, you can sort comments by various criteria such as date, author, or website.

5. Comment Replies

Engaging with your audience is crucial for building a strong online community. This extension enables you to reply to comments directly from the MainWP dashboard, eliminating the need to switch between different websites. By easily responding to comments, you can foster meaningful discussions and enhance user engagement.

6. Comment Blacklisting

To combat spam and unwanted comments, the MainWP Comments Extension allows you to create a blacklist of specific words, URLs, or email addresses. Any comments containing these blacklisted elements will be automatically marked as spam or disapproved, ensuring that your website remains free from unwanted content.

Use Cases

1. Website Management Agencies

For website management agencies or freelancers who handle multiple client websites, the MainWP Comments Extension is an invaluable tool. It simplifies the process of managing comments across various sites, allowing agencies to efficiently moderate and reply to comments from a single dashboard. This saves time and improves productivity, enabling agencies to provide better client service.

2. Multi-Author Blogs

If you run a multi-author blog, the MainWP Comments Extension can significantly enhance your comment management workflow. It enables you to oversee and moderate comments on all your authors’ posts from a centralized location. The ability to reply to comments directly from the MainWP dashboard improves collaboration between authors and streamlines the communication process with your audience.

3. E-commerce Websites

For e-commerce websites that receive a high volume of customer comments and inquiries, this plugin simplifies the management process. You can efficiently handle customer feedback, answer questions, and address concerns without the need to log in to each individual website. Real-time comment notifications ensure that you can promptly respond to customer inquiries, leading to improved customer satisfaction.

4. Content-Rich Websites

Websites with a significant amount of content often attract a large number of comments. The MainWP Comments Extension helps you effectively manage and moderate comments on content-rich websites. The ability to filter and sort comments based on various criteria allows you to quickly navigate through the comments and prioritize your moderation efforts.


The MainWP Comments Extension is a valuable WordPress plugin that simplifies comment management across multiple websites. Its centralized comment management, bulk moderation capabilities, comment notifications, and advanced filtering options make it an essential tool for website management agencies, multi-author blogs, e-commerce websites, and content-rich websites. By utilizing this plugin, you can streamline your comment moderation workflow, engage with your audience more effectively, and enhance the overall user experience on your WordPress sites.