SS WooCommerce Myaccount Ajax Tabs

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Updated on February 4, 2024
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The SS WooCommerce Myaccount Ajax Tabs WordPress plugin is a powerful tool that enhances the user experience of WooCommerce websites. This plugin is designed to add tabs to the WooCommerce My Account page, which is the page where customers can view their orders, edit their account information, and manage their addresses and payment methods. The plugin uses Ajax to load the content of each tab, which means that the page does not need to be reloaded every time the user clicks on a tab. This makes the My Account page faster and more user-friendly.


The SS WooCommerce Myaccount Ajax Tabs WordPress plugin comes with a range of features that make it a valuable addition to any WooCommerce website. Some of the key features of this plugin include:

Customizable Tabs

The plugin allows website owners to add and customize tabs on the My Account page. The tabs can be added in any order, and the content of each tab can be customized to suit the needs of the website. This means that website owners can create a personalized My Account page that meets the specific needs of their customers.

Ajax Loading

The plugin uses Ajax to load the content of each tab, which means that the page does not need to be reloaded every time the user clicks on a tab. This makes the My Account page faster and more user-friendly.


The plugin comes with shortcodes that can be used to display specific content on the My Account page. This means that website owners can add custom content to the My Account page without having to modify the plugin code.

Responsive Design

The plugin is designed to be responsive, which means that it works seamlessly on all devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

Translation Ready

The plugin is translation ready, which means that it can be translated into any language using WordPress translation plugins.

Use Cases

The SS WooCommerce Myaccount Ajax Tabs WordPress plugin is particularly useful in the following situations:

Customizing the My Account Page

The My Account page is an essential part of any WooCommerce website, as it allows customers to manage their orders, account information, and payment methods. However, the default My Account page provided by WooCommerce may not meet the specific needs of every website. The SS WooCommerce Myaccount Ajax Tabs WordPress plugin allows website owners to customize the My Account page by adding and customizing tabs. This means that website owners can create a personalized My Account page that meets the specific needs of their customers.

Improving User Experience

The Ajax loading feature of the plugin improves the user experience by making the My Account page faster and more user-friendly. This is particularly useful for websites with a large number of orders or customers, as it reduces the time it takes for the page to load.

Adding Custom Content

The shortcodes provided by the plugin allow website owners to add custom content to the My Account page without having to modify the plugin code. This is useful for websites that want to provide additional information to customers, such as FAQs or product tutorials.

Comparison with Similar Plugins

There are several other plugins available that allow website owners to add tabs to the WooCommerce My Account page. However, the SS WooCommerce Myaccount Ajax Tabs WordPress plugin stands out for several reasons.

Ajax Loading

The Ajax loading feature of the plugin sets it apart from other similar plugins. The use of Ajax means that the My Account page is faster and more user-friendly, which improves the overall user experience.

Customizable Tabs

The plugin allows website owners to add and customize tabs on the My Account page. This means that website owners can create a personalized My Account page that meets the specific needs of their customers.


The plugin comes with shortcodes that can be used to display specific content on the My Account page. This means that website owners can add custom content to the My Account page without having to modify the plugin code.

Translation Ready

The plugin is translation ready, which means that it can be translated into any language using WordPress translation plugins. This is particularly useful for websites that cater to customers from different countries.


The SS WooCommerce Myaccount Ajax Tabs WordPress plugin is a valuable tool for WooCommerce website owners who want to improve the user experience of their My Account page. The plugin’s customizable tabs, Ajax loading, shortcodes, and translation readiness make it a powerful tool that can be used to create a personalized My Account page that meets the specific needs of customers. Compared to other similar plugins, the SS WooCommerce Myaccount Ajax Tabs WordPress plugin stands out for its Ajax loading feature, which makes the My Account page faster and more user-friendly.