WooCommerce Cost of Goods

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Updated on February 28, 2024
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WooCommerce Cost of Goods WordPress plugin designed for online store owners who want to track their product costs and profits. The plugin helps you to keep track of the cost of goods sold (COGS) for your products, which is essential for calculating your profit margins accurately. The plugin enables you to input the cost of each product and track the total cost of goods sold for each order. This information is vital for making informed decisions about pricing, inventory management, and overall profitability.


The WooCommerce Cost of Goods plugin offers several features that make it a valuable tool for online store owners. These features include:

Product Cost Tracking

The plugin allows you to input the cost of each product, including the cost of materials, labor, and shipping. You can also set a default cost for all products or use a bulk import feature to update the cost of multiple products at once.

Order Cost Tracking

The plugin tracks the total cost of goods sold for each order, including the cost of products, taxes, and shipping. This information is essential for calculating your profit margins accurately.

Profit Reporting

The plugin provides detailed reports on your store’s profitability, including total revenue, cost of goods sold, and net profit. You can view these reports by date range, product, and category.

Integration with WooCommerce

The plugin seamlessly integrates with WooCommerce, the most popular eCommerce platform for WordPress. This integration allows you to track the cost of goods sold for all your WooCommerce orders automatically.

Customizable Reports

The plugin allows you to customize your reports by adding or removing columns, sorting data, and filtering by various criteria.

Multi-Currency Support

The plugin supports multiple currencies, allowing you to track the cost of goods sold and profits for orders in different currencies.

Use Cases

The WooCommerce Cost of Goods plugin is particularly useful for online store owners who want to:

Calculate Profit Margins

By tracking the cost of goods sold for each product and order, you can calculate your profit margins accurately. This information is essential for making informed decisions about pricing and inventory management.

Analyze Product Performance

The plugin provides detailed reports on your product sales and profitability, allowing you to identify your best-selling products and those with the highest profit margins. This information is essential for making informed decisions about product development and marketing.

Manage Inventory

By tracking the cost of goods sold for each product and order, you can identify which products are costing you the most and adjust your inventory accordingly. This information is essential for optimizing your inventory management and reducing costs.

Track International Sales

The plugin supports multiple currencies, allowing you to track the cost of goods sold and profits for orders in different currencies. This information is essential for optimizing your international sales strategy and reducing currency conversion costs.

Comparison with Similar Plugins

While there are several plugins available for tracking the cost of goods sold in WooCommerce, the WooCommerce Cost of Goods plugin stands out for several reasons.

Easy to Use

The plugin is easy to install and use, with a simple interface that makes it easy to input product costs and track order costs.

Seamless Integration with WooCommerce

The plugin seamlessly integrates with WooCommerce, the most popular eCommerce platform for WordPress. This integration allows you to track the cost of goods sold for all your WooCommerce orders automatically.

Customizable Reports

The plugin allows you to customize your reports by adding or removing columns, sorting data, and filtering by various criteria. This feature makes it easy to generate reports that meet your specific needs.

Multi-Currency Support

The plugin supports multiple currencies, allowing you to track the cost of goods sold and profits for orders in different currencies. This feature is essential for online store owners who sell internationally.

Affordable Pricing

The plugin is affordably priced, making it accessible to online store owners of all sizes. The plugin is available for a one-time fee of $49, which includes lifetime updates and support.


The WooCommerce Cost of Goods plugin is a valuable tool for online store owners who want to track their product costs and profits. The plugin offers several features that make it easy to input product costs, track order costs, and generate detailed reports on your store’s profitability. The plugin seamlessly integrates with WooCommerce, the most popular eCommerce platform for WordPress, and supports multiple currencies, making it a valuable tool for online store owners who sell internationally. The plugin is affordably priced, making it accessible to online store owners of all sizes.

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